Cookeville Police Chief Randy Evans says the department should be ready to move in about five weeks.
Evans said that technically the building will be ready to become occupied the week of April 18th. He said that there will still be other steps before the department can begin the move.
“As we physically occupy that building, then a lot of other stuff will have to take place,” Evans said. “We’ll still have to have a network put in place, a radio system, furniture. The biggest thing is getting our network up and running and our radio system up and running, so once those two pieces are in place then we can start moving different components of the department.”
Chief Randy Evans said that the department is full of excitement about the move. He said that it’s been a long-time goal for himself and previous chiefs to make this project happen.
“If you’ve ever been in our facility now, if you could find it, you’d know very well that we’ve outgrown this facility several years ago,” Evans said. “I mean this is the only facility that I’ve ever known. I’ve worked here since 1983, so it will be a welcome change.”
Evans said that COVID and supply issues have caused several delays. He said that last month, the construction contract needed a 45-day extension for that very reason.
Evans said that they are most likely looking at a ribbon-cutting in early summer.
The post New Cookeville Police HQ Nearing Completion appeared first on News Talk 94.1/AM 1600.