Tennessee Tech’s student chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS) has been ranked one of the top ten in the world.
The society is the world’s leading organization Senior Lecturer and Chapter Advisor Dr. Amanda Carroll said the designation came as a result of the group’s work throughout the year doing education and service events and a comprehensive report summarizing their activity.
“It’s really nice to see all the hard work get recognized,” Carroll said. “When we found out in the top ten, that was really surprising because we’re being compared to chapters all across the world and some of those chapters are much larger than ours. So to show up in that list was surprising and very exciting.”
The top ten ranking was based on the total number of events conducted by a chapter. Caroll said Tech’s chapter had a total of 80 events: 19 service events, 15 professional development events, and 46 chapter development events. She said they have received an “Outstanding” designation for nine years.
“Outstanding chapters are well rounded and provide thoughtful and in-depth responses to the report assessment questions, as well as a thorough and detailed reporting of all events with supporting documentation,” Carroll said. “Chapters are also expected to keep and report detailed and accurate financial information to ensure the chapter is in good financial standing.”
Carroll said the ranking has the possibility to open the door for grant opportunities for the university and career opportunities for students.
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