White County has contracted with a company to help manage its landfill.
That after several months of working through issues to make sure the landfill operations were fixed and maintained properly. County Executive Denny Wayne Robinson said having someone oversee the landfill helps free up resources to put towards other needs.
“This contract that we’re currently in is basically going to be management and consultant type of service,” Robinson said. “Where our employees will be operating, we’ll just have supervision that will be an expert in the landfill operations.”
However, Robinson said that this is not a permanent fix but will be in place for the next two or three years. He said maintaining a landfill, even when closed, is a continuous process.
Robinson said the company is contracted for some $5,000 a month. He said the county got a great deal, and the monthly price costs the county less than hiring a full-time solid waste director.
“That’s just a unique skill set is someone knowing how to operate a landfill, it’s very complicated a Class 1 is,” Robinson said. “So we ended up having to get a company that will actually have some experts to come and take care of that.”
Robinson said this is still a work in progress. He said there are still more issues to address outside the landfill.
“That fund has been run pretty tight and we’re starting to have breakdowns, and we’ve got equipment issues and we’ve kind of gotten behind on running the routes,” Robinson said. “So we’re working diligently to get all of that taken care of. And when they get the landfill part of it off my plate for a lack of a better word, that will put more resources into getting the equipment up and running.”
The post White Co. Contracting Management And Consulting For Landfill appeared first on News Talk 94.1/AM 1600.