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Stay Safe While Hiking: Tips From A Local Park Ranger

/ The Upper Cumberland's News Leader
Stay Safe While Hiking: Tips From A Local Park Ranger

To keep from getting lost in the woods, preparation is always the first step.

That’s according to Burgess Falls State Park Ranger Blaine Crabtree. He said hikers should research destinations before going on a trip, and have contacts set up for potential trouble.

“Kind of when you’re going to be there, when you’re expected to get out within an hour time frame,” Crabtree said. “Definitely taking some water with you especially in these hot summer months. I mean we all have seen how hot it has been lately.”

Next, Crabtree said you should focus on supplies, something just as vital for success. He said food and water are obviously essential for energy levels, but that items like basic medical supplies and utilities like flashlights can also make a huge difference.

Once on the hike, Crabtree advises to keep to the trail at all times unless you have specifically planned otherwise. He said the number one reason for people getting lost on trips is that they wandered off and got turned around.

“They go off trail, they’ll kinda look at whatever it is they wanted to see, then they just get turned around,” Crabtree said. “And it’s pretty insane how easy it is to get turned around.

If you should find yourself lost on a trip, Crabtree said the best thing to do is stay put and try your cell phone. He said the more distance covered after getting lost only adds to the difficulty of a recovery.

“Something a lot of people don’t know is that you don’t need cell service to call 911,” Crabtree said. “A lot of people think oh I’m out in the woods I couldn’t call for help anyway, but you actually can.”


The post Stay Safe While Hiking: Tips From A Local Park Ranger appeared first on News Talk 94.1/AM 1600.