Upper Cumberland Regional Airport will take the first step towards commercial flight with an upcoming pre-inspection.
Airport Manager Dean Selby told the airport board Tuesday he expects the FAA sometime next week. He said once the intensive pre-inspection is complete, the Upper Cumberland Regional Airport will be one of eight in the state with a 139 operating certification, which allows the airport to service commercial operations.
“It’s just things that were supposed to be doing now you have the FAA in here watching you do them including the things the board, the counties and cities do,” Selby said. “They’ll basically be looking at everything, all of our books all of our paperwork, all of our procedures all the conditions of everything. I’m excited about it and I think it will be a good thing.”
Selby said the inspection will be over the span of three days. He said it is still a two-year process to actually implement commercial services. He said there is going to be a long list of things the airport has to get done before that will occur.
Selby also provided updates about the board’s request for qualifications for engineering services. Engineer Richard Rienk’s contract is up for renewal. Selby said this is one of the largest pool of applicants the board has received for the work.
“There were nine respondents and they are massive so it’s going to take a while to go through them all,” Selby said. “(…) I think last time we had three and they were local. These are not local other than Richard and maybe one other one, the rest of them are from all over the place.”
In other business, Rienks provided an update on the underground fuel tank removal project. He said the airport is making good progress on that work.
The post UC Regional Airport To Take Next Step In Commercial Process With FAA Pre-Inspection appeared first on News Talk 94.1/AM 1600.