The White County Steering Committee B will discuss the county’s animal shelter.
Volunteers from the shelter spoke to the committee last month, requesting support with funding and expressing concern about the state of the shelter. The committee heard their concerns and will have a formal discussion on the matter this week. In other business, Steering Committee A will meet to discuss new speed limits in districts 2 and 5 after Steering Committee B’s meeting. After that, the Solid Waste Committee meets. The meeting is set for Monday at 5:00pm.
Monday night, Livingston Aldermen meet at 6:00pm. They will be discussing ways to revitalize the city’s downtown with the department of commerce.
The Cumberland Plateau Water Authority Board is expecting a report on the necessity of a city referendum in Crossville. The board asked the state attorney general whether or not one would be required for the CPWA to move forward. The meeting is at 6:00pm on Monday.
Also Monday, the Clay County Commission is meeting at 6:30pm. They will go over plans to reduce the speed limit on Terrapin Ridge Road to 15 MPH and to apply for a state library and archives construction grant program.
Monterey Aldermen meet on Monday at 7:00pm to discuss an amendment to their zoning code regarding regulated child-care centers.
Crossville’s City Council is having a work session at 5:00pm on Tuesday to discuss a contract for the Meadow Park Lake expansion and a bid for an evaluation of sewer lines in the city.
Thursday at 6:00pm the Clay County Board of Education will meet. The White County Board of Education will do the same.
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